Our Faculty Members

Dr. Suresh Kumar Ghimire
Education : Ph.D
Designation : Professor
University : Université Montpellier II, Montpellier, France
Field of Study : Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
Email : sk.ghimire@cdbtu.edu.np
Dr. Suresh Kumar Ghimire: Professor. Dr. Ghimire obtained his M.Sc. degree in Botany from Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 1992, and Ph.D. degree in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology from Université Montpellier II, Montpellier, France in 2005. His major fields of interest are applied ethnobotany/ ethnoecology, plant systematics, plant population and community ecology, and conservation biology of rare, threatened and useful plants. He has research experience in about 20 projects funded by national and international organizations. Currently, he has been involved in the long ( 11 ) term projects (2013-recent) related to the monitoring of climate change impacts on alpine vegetation in five different regions of Nepal, applying GLORIA methodology, and in collaboration with scientists from Missouri Botanical Garden, USA and ICIMOD and RECAST/TU, Nepal. He has also been involved in a long-term research project (2014-2018) “Transiting to Green Growth – Natural Resources in Nepal” focusing on harvesting sustainability of high-value medicinal plants with funding from Danida Fellowship Centre, Denmark and in collaboration with Copenhagen University, Denmark. He is the member of IUCN SSC Medicinal Plants Specialist Group (MPSG). He has supervised 41 M.Sc. theses and is currently supervising 3 M.Sc. and 2 Ph.D. students. He has published over 50 papers in national and international journals/publications, and also authored 4 books and 30 research reports. Email: sureshkghimire@yahoo.com, sk.ghimire.cdbtu@gmail.com